If you are into gardening, farming or pets,Country Feed Supply is the place to go. This business booms and will become busier as the growing season approaches. I have been there when the parking lot was so crowded I could hardly find a parking place. One can find dairy, beef, poultry, bird, and horse feeds. I believe you can even order your baby chicks here. This is where I get dirt for my gardens and flower beds and potting soil for my pots. You can buy in by the bag or the scoop full. Various kinds of plant feed and pest management items are found on the shelves.
You can find just the right lawn hooks for your hanging flowers. Since I love to have birds around my house, my favorite place is browsing through the two rows of bird feeders, especially for hummingbirds. This is the largest display I have ever seen in any store.
The employees are very friendly and helpful. They will load your product if you are unable to do it yourself.
Country Feed Supply is owned by Sam Miller and is located at 389 West Kittle Road, which is off of M-33 north of Mio. The phone number is 989-826-2305. They are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 5:00 and Saturday from 8:00 to 3:00. Stop by and see what is offered.
Today's feature is the Pioneer General Store, sometimes lovingly referred locally as The Amish Walmart. One will find hardware, housewares, cookware, gardening tools, camping supplies, generators, heaters, and much more. Sometimes when browsing one can find items that have not been seen before. I am amazed at the amount of cast iron cooking products one finds. People who like to do home canning will find items to assist in that area. You will find bins of gadgets. When browsing I found a selection of rain gear. There are pet supplies, children books, and boxed greeting cards. You can find lamps, outdoor solar lights, and lanterns. Outside you will find many different kinds of bricking and pavers. Merchandise is reasonably priced.
Take time to stop and browse. The store is often very busy on weekends with the parking lot full of vehicles. Employees are especially helpful.
Owned by Albert Miller, the store is located at 432 N. Mt. Tom Road (M-33) about three miles north of Mio. It is open Monday through Saturday from 8:00 to 5:00.
Country Corners is a grocery store that features bulk foods and bent and dent groceries. The front part of the store are the bulk foods. The bent and dent products are at the back of the store. Baking supplies are packaged in various sized packages. You will also find candies, spices, herbs, pastas, etc. that you do not find in some of the stores around us. I especially appreciate being able to buy spices and herbs at reasonable prices. Compare them with the spices in the local grocery store. It is more economical to buy a larger portion here and let it grow old then to buy a small container at the grocery. Another choice would be to share part of your package with a friend or family member.
Cheese prices are excellent. When I purchase cheese, I choose the Amish Swiss. You will find other dairy products but they do not have meat products with the exception of some lunch meat items.
I don't think there has ever been a time when I was shopping that I was the only customer in the store. My experience is there is constant activity with people coming and going. Saturdays are especially busy and there is often a line at the checkout. Customers are always perusing the bent and dent section. There are many bargains to be found.
The store is located at 1284 W. Kittle Road, Mio, MI and is open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 to 5:00. The phone number is 989-826-6063.
I would encourage any of my readers to make a trip to Oscoda County and visit this store where the owners and employees (all Amish) are very friendly and helpful.
What a beautiful day here in Oscoda County, Michigan! In fact, we have had many beautiful days this winter and spring is here. People are seeing robins, geese, and even red winged black birds. When the red wings and robins arrive, spring has sprung. My lilies are also pushing up through the ground. As beautiful as it is, I will be surprised if we don't get any more snow. Today I went with a group from our church to the Fairview Maple Farm at 2797 N. Abbe Road. Tim Boonstra has been at his current location for the nine years. Yesterday they gathered 2600 gallon of sap to make into syrup. Today so far they have brought in 600. (This will probably not be a good year for syrup.) His set up is amazing considering what my folks had in the past. As kids, my siblings and I dumped sap into our buckets and often would sink down through deep snow only to spill our sap at times before we got to the tank to pour it in. However, the memories are wonderful. My dad has gone to heaven and my brother doesn't do the operation anymore. But my sister-in-law did bring us a gallon of syrup yesterday that was left over from when they stopped the operation. How thankful I am for that!
As I develop this blog, my plan is to introduce my readers to the Amish businesses in Oscoda County over the next couple of weeks. These businesses are flourishing and I appreciate having many of them here. Come and visit these businesses as well as others in the county.